Codibly and PA Consulting partner on digital technology and innovation offering for US energy and utilities companies

PA Consulting (PA), the consultancy that’s bringing ingenuity to life, has partnered with Codibly, a European technology and consulting company, to help US energy and utilities clients leverage digital technology and innovations to deliver clean, reliable and affordable energy. The partnership focuses on improving the customer experience and reaching decarbonization, electrification of transport and grid/network modernization goals, and provides PA’s energy and utilities clients with software design and development, hosting capabilities, and digital engineering skills.
PA is a market leader in terms of its digital utility offerings and has an established history of managing complex programs and projects for energy and utilities clients in the US market. PA helps clients achieve exceptional results through stellar digital and data capabilities and brings deep industry knowledge. PA’s world-class innovation team that creates opportunity from complexity will complement the partnership as will existing expertise in digital service design, modern engineering, and digital transformation.
Codibly creates innovative solutions to ensure companies achieve their digital sustainability goals. Codibly brings robust data science, predictive analytics, AI and machine learning, business intelligence, and big data expertise which will boost PA client capabilities in digital sustainability and digital transformation programs. Codibly also has experience working on both sustainable energy optimization and new technologies.
Ross Smith, Head of PA’s US Utility practice, says: “Codibly has delivered end-to-end solutions for a number of energy companies across the globe and are the go-to partner for digital technology and clean energy solutions. At PA Consulting, we believe in the power of ingenuity to build a positive human future in a technology-driven world. This partnership will provide ingenious new offerings to our clients to help them achieve their goal of delivering clean and affordable energy.”
Bartosz Majewski, CEO of Codibly, says: “PA is an expert in combining ingenious innovation with strategic assets to support sustainable business growth in the digitalized world. We have a mutual goal of accelerating digital sustainability and make it a core business strategy element. Our company concentrates on harnessing innovation, talent, and digital technology to create sustainability solutions, and make a tangible impact. We see this partnership as a great opportunity to double the positive results PA and Codibly can provide together for both business and the environment.”