Codibly’s first podcast is here! Join us in our Technology in Renewables series to meet the top executives who lead the most innovative companies to change our environment and planet for future generations. We will be introducing you to change-driven companies that reshape the energy & transportation landscape right now. 

Technology has become an indispensable necessity in renewables & emobility projects to handle their unpredictability, optimize clean energy production, and ensure steady delivery. With growing demand, there is only one way – further into innovation. The success of the whole industry never mattered more as it will have a global impact on our planet. 

So, join our podcast if you’re ready to know more about emobility, renewable energy, energy transition, and the new Distributed Energy System. 

Every two weeks, on Wednesday Codibly’s CEO – Bartosz Majewski will lead you through meaningful conversations with top executives that lead game-changing companies towards a greener future, where our environment and planet are well-nurtured. You can expect technology to be the hottest topic as it’s always in the center of big changes for generations.  

If it sounds like something you’ve been waiting for – subscribe!