The electric vehicle (EV) market is booming, according to the latest vehicle stats. In 2016, there were nearly 2 million electric vehicles in use. Five years later, though, and we already have 16.5 million EV cars on the road! Goldmann Sachs even estimates that by 2040, 80% of all vehicles sold in the US will be electric.

Before that happens though, EV companies and engineers still have a few issues to tackle, such as connecting thousands of separate charging stations, helping EV fleet owners to monitor their fleet, or making the charging process easier for EV drivers. With the help of a development company experienced in designing solutions for the EV industry like our Codibly, those issues might soon be a thing of the past. 

Why are software developers and engineers so important for the EV industry, though, and what could you gain by partnering with a development company?

You’ll learn everything in this article.

Why is software development so important for the EV industry?

When it comes to EV technology, most people focus on three things:

  • How the cars look like.
  • How they can be charged.
  • Whether they are as convenient to use as regular fuel cars. 

However, it is the software that makes EV cars so useful. The EV software works as a “brain” of the vehicles, ensuring all hardware components run correctly and that the driving experience is as pleasant for the driver as possible. It is also thanks to the software that the car can route the EV driver to the nearest charging station before the driver notices the batteries are getting low or alert them that one of the car parts is malfunctioning. That makes EV car software crucial to providing an amazing driving experience. 

However, EV development goes beyond the software inside the vehicles. The EV industry has also developed several valuable services aimed at making the jobs of owners of EV stations and fleets easier, as well as making EV drivers’ experience better:

With these technologies, EV drivers soon won’t have to worry about finding a compatible charging station or having multiple customer cards for different charging stations. Instead, they will be able to charge their car wherever they need – and pay for it how they like.

EV fleet owners and charging station owners can find solutions such as EV management software to be incredibly useful as well it would allow them to control all their EV assets from one dashboard.

What can you gain from partnering with a development company?

As you can see, having the right EV software is incredibly important both when it comes to managing the EV business but also giving the EV drivers the best possible experience. Building a dedicated charge station management platform or implementing the OCPP protocol takes a lot of industry experience and exceptional development skills though. So for all your EV solutions needs, it’s your best bet to get in touch with development companies specializing in solutions for the EV industry.  Why exactly? 

Expertise in designing solutions for the EV market

With how fast the EV industry changes, it might be difficult for you and your team to keep track of all the newest development trends and know how to use what service. Then, how about letting the  EV development team show their skills?

Whether you need a custom-made solution to manage your charging stations, a fleet management platform, or some help with implementing the OCPP protocol, you can count on their experience.

If instead of a ready product, you rather need some guidance from the development experts, then they will be happy to lend you a hand as well. For example, if you are currently trying to solve a development that got your main team stuck, you can reach out to the development partner, and they will send one if their developers to help you out.


Do you need someone who will handle your development from start to finish, or are you looking for someone who will simply push your project in the right direction? Or maybe you need to “borrow” a developer who is familiar with the EV industry to help your in-house team during a project? A trusted development partner could lend you a hand in all of those situations.

Most development companies now offer the option of helping you build a dedicated team for your project as well as hiring one or more developers to assist your in-house team. So depending on your needs, you can either handle an entire project to them, or you can just ask for their support during long and complicated projects or unexpected issues.

Plus, that way, you don’t have to worry about searching for, hiring, and onboarding new specialists for your team. Instead, just call the development with your needs, and they will help pick the right specialists for your team.

Ready EV solutions faster

Leaving the solution project to your in-house developers may seem like a good way to get a ready product faster. However, if they don’t have enough experience with designing products for the EV industry or simply don’t have time to manage both their regular duties and the project, then it might happen that the project gets stuck. 

How about asking the development partners then to help you put the project back on track? With several completed projects under their belts, they have seen and solved numerous development problems – so there’s a good chance they will have a ready solution for your problem as well.

Development companies with years of experience usually also have a few handy plugins or microservices they have created themselves to help them implement specific functionalities faster. At Codibly for example, we made OCPP Server, NREL Adapter, and a few other microservices that allow us to speed up the projects – feel free to ask us for those.

What are some of the EV projects we worked on?

Having worked in the development industry for over a decade, load balancing, forecasting and demand response or charging optimization, and fleet management have no secrets for us. That’s why we were able to assist several EV companies with creating a solution that suited their needs. We have also a couple of EV projects we are especially proud of: 

  • IoTecha – We were responsible for the backend development of implementing the OCPP protocol. Thanks to our ready microservices, we could finish the project in just one month.
  • TrueEnergy – We created a system for them to monitor the smart charging of EVs and their battery storage. Our solution also allows them to connect to public and B2B EV chargers.
  • Hubject: As part of our collaboration with Hubject, we worked to improve the quality of data between drivers, charging points, and operators of charging stations. For the project, we created a solution that validates all EVSE data and generates reports with highlighted errors or abnormalities. 

Of course, those are only a few of the projects we worked on – you can read more case studies on our website. 

What we need to emphasize here is that we aren’t a product company though – our goal is to help your EV company grow by using our development skills and EV industry experience for your benefit. In other words, you don’t need to worry about us competing with your main product – instead, we’ll work together to find out how our skills and your product can complement each other.


Soon we might see more EV cars on the road than regular cars. The batteries for EV cars are getting cheaper. The number of EV charging stations is growing. EV software developers are working hard to ensure that EV business owners and drivers have the best experience they can as well. 

How can you take advantage of those services, though? Well, the fastest way would be to contact us at Codibly for a quick talk. Once we know your needs and goals, we’ll surely find a way to match our expertise with your EV-related needs.

Let’s work together to make your EV company even better and your customers even happier.