
Codibly Portfolio Analysis Tools allow verifying portfolio environmental, social and governance performance (ESG), and identify the value of your sustainability efforts. A comprehensive analysis of the historical data provides an accurate estimation for future investments and allows avoiding risks, as well as managing the portfolio efficiently and responsibly.

Energy generation and consumption data provide a comprehensive insight for future optimization. With Predictive Analytics solutions, you can capture the relationships among particular factor sets, predict future patterns, and name potential opportunities to manage power consumption more sustainably, saving both money and energy.

Our metering and monitoring solutions procure extensive insight allowing you to track your power consumption data in real-time or in short time intervals. Monitoring and notification systems equip you with up-to-date information for optimizing energy generation and usage, control your demand, and avoid demand peaks to save costs and increase energy efficiency.

Portfolio Analysis Tools


Codibly Portfolio Analysis Tools allow verifying portfolio environmental, social and governance performance (ESG), and identify the value of your sustainability efforts. A comprehensive analysis of the historical data provides an accurate estimation for future investments and allows avoiding risks, as well as managing the portfolio efficiently and responsibly.

Predictive Analytics Solutions


Energy generation and consumption data provide a comprehensive insight for future optimization. With Predictive Analytics solutions, you can capture the relationships among particular factor sets, predict future patterns, and name potential opportunities to manage power consumption more sustainably, saving both money and energy.

Metering & Monitoring Solutions


Our metering and monitoring solutions procure extensive insight allowing you to track your power consumption data in real-time or in short time intervals. Monitoring and notification systems equip you with up-to-date information for optimizing energy generation and usage, control your demand, and avoid demand peaks to save costs and increase energy efficiency.


What are the key benefits?


How we will work with you



Discovery Workshops allow us to gain comprehensive knowledge and understanding of the project domain and your business needs



Knowing what you’re aiming for, we prepare a detailed estimate drill down to the technical sub-tasks



Once we have all collaboration details, we process the legal part, create a contract and sign it



Project team implements your vision in close cooperation with stakeholders



We deliver a tailored solution and provide all required support